RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta agus cultúr phobal na Gaeltachta

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de Mórdha, Dáithí
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University College Cork
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Is é atá leagtha romham agam sa tráchtas seo ná éachtaint a thabhairt ar an dtionchar atá imeartha ag RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta ar shaol agus ar chultúr mhuintir na Gaeltachta ó bunaíodh an tseirbhís lán-Ghaeilge i 1972. Déantar scéal RTÉ RnaG a insint, trí fráma tagartha an bhéaloidis agus na heitneolaíochta, den gcéad uair. Tugtar léargas ann ar stair na meán cumarsáide in Éirinn roimh theacht RnaG, agus i bpobail bundúchasacha agus mionlacha ar fud an domhain, agus go háirithe an tslí inar léiríodh cultúr na bpobal úd ar an raidió. Tá anseo cur síos ar na cúinsí inar bunaíodh RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta i 1972, maidir le saol na Gaeltachta mar a bhí ag an am, agus i gcomhthéacs gluaiseachtaí agóide idirnáisiúnta maidir le cearta sibhialta agus cearta daonna, agus an bhaint a bhí ag cúrsaí na meán chumarsáide leis na gluaiseachtaí seo. Déantar plé ar an ról a bhí, agus atá, ag RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta i saol phobail iomadúla na Gaeltachta, agus ról lárnach RnaG i gcruthú ‘Pobal na Gaeltachta’ mar phobal cumarsáide ‘tras-áitiúil’ (Coleman 2003). Féachtar ar obair RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta sa chéad fiche bliain, go háirithe maidir le bailiú, craoladh agus caomhnú chultúr na Gaeltachta. Cuirtear obair RnaG i gcomparáid le hobair Choimisiún Bhéaloideasa Éireann, ag léiriú na cosúlachtaí agus na difríochtaí a bhí idir obair an dá eagraíocht, agus frámaítear obair RnaG mar ‘Béaloideas Poiblí’. Déantar sainmhíniú ar an dtéarma ‘Béaloideas’, maidir le cultúr beo na ndaoine, go háirithe pobail na Gaeltachta. Scrúdaítear an cartann ábhair atá cnuasaithe ag RnaG, ar an saibhreas atá ann maidir le cultúr bheo na Gaeltachta, na fadhbanna a bhaineann leis, agus ar na deiseanna atá ann do Léann an Bhéaloidis agus na hEitneolaíochta, agus do raidhse ábhar eile. This thesis is a study of the impact RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta (est. 1972) had on the life and especially the cultural life of the Gaeltacht communities. The story of RnaG is told in the context of folklore and ethnological studies. It includes a history of radio in Ireland before the establishing of RnaG in 1972, and in indigenous and minority communities worldwide, with an emphasis on how the culture of those communities was presented on their radio services. The context in which RnaG was established is explained, with regards to the life in the Gaeltacht communities at the time, in the context of Irish and international protest movements fighting for civil and human rights, and the role the broadcast media played in these movements and in these communities. The role played historically and currently by RnaG in the life of the many and varied communities of the Gaeltacht is discussed, along with the role of RnaG in the creation of ‘The Gaeltacht Community’ as a ‘translocal’ communication community (Coleman 2003). The work of Raidió Na Gaeltachta in the first 20 years of the service is studied, especially with regard to the collection, broadcasting and archiving of different aspects of Gaeltacht culture. The work of RnaG is compared to the work of the Irish Folklore Commission, detailing the differences and similarities of the two organisations. This thesis attempts to define the term ‘Folklore’, with regard to the living culture of the people, especially of the Gaeltacht communities. The vast sound archive collected by RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta is detailed, along the wealth of material in it, the problems associated with access to it, and the opportunities it holds for Folklore and Ethnological Studies, and for many other fields.
Béaloideas , Raidió , Na meáin chumarsáide , Gaeltacht , Cultúr , Cartlann , Dúchas , Mionlach , Folklore , Media , Radio , Minority language , Indigenous , Culture , Archive
de Mórdha, D. 2019. RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta agus cultúr phobal na Gaeltachta. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
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