The framework of the oppressed in translation? Analysis of the translational processes involved in the transmission and mobility of the work of Augusto Boal

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Lessa, Ana Regina
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University College Cork
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Focusing on the Theatre of the Oppressed, this thesis first explores the translation processes involved in the development of Boal’s praxis, from his directing and playwriting experience in the Teatro Arena, based on a political theatre inspired by Brecht, to his generation’s increasing commitment to a community theatre that aimed to empower the oppressed and was influenced by and intermingled with the growing impact of Freire’s educational practice. It then goes on to trace the translational history of Theatre of the Oppressed, and the ways in which Boal’s experiences of mobility shape this: from examination of the plurilingual genealogy of the texts that make up Teatro del/do Oprimido, as finalised during exile in Argentina in 1974, to the interlingual translation of this unstable and multiple source text into the major European languages in the 1970s, and its subsequent dissemination through workshops and performance groups. By mapping and analysing these processes, this project responds to the call in these thinkers’ work and, at the same time, seeks to measure what light they can shed on the theory and practice of intercultural translation to explore translations as sites of encounter between diverse voices that call for us to listen and be more attentive to social and cultural difference.
Translation studies , Theatre of the Oppressed , Framework of the Oppressed , Augusto Boal , Pedagogy of the Oppressed , Paulo Freire , Community based theatre , Performative translation
Lessa, A. R. 2023. The framework of the oppressed in translation? Analysis of the translational processes involved in the transmission and mobility of the work of Augusto Boal. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
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