Virtual network embedding for wireless sensor networks time efficient QoS/QoI aware approach

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Katon, Roland
Cionca, Victor
O'Shea, Donna
Pesch, Dirk
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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A recent trend in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is Network Virtualization to support on-demand sharing of sensing functionality. The efficient allocation of WSN resources to sensing requests is obtained using Virtual Network Embedding (VNE). This must take into account Quality of Service -QoS (e.g. reliability), Quality of Information -QoI (e.g sensing accuracy), and deal with wireless interference. With increased computational complexity due to the added constraints, finding an optimal solution can be prohibitive at scale. We developed an offline embedding algorithm that searches through all possible embeddings, which allowed us to explore the trade-off between solution quality and search time. We identify a defined set of initial processing steps that lead to high quality solutions (within 10% of best solution) in bounded time. We evaluated the algorithm under high stress (large networks with long paths, high data rates, beyond typical WSN configuration) to understand its limitations and the limitations imposed by the underlying WSN substrate.
Virtual network embedding , Wireless sensor networks , Quality of service , Quality of information , Resource allocation , Resource management , Wireless sensor networks , Quality of service , Quality of information , Resource allocation , Resource management
Katon, R., Cionca, V., O'Shea, D. and Pesch, D. (2020) 'Virtual network embedding for wireless sensor networks time efficient QoS/QoI aware approach', IEEE Internet of Things Journal. doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2020.3009834
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