Who prioritizes the economy over health? The role of political orientation and human values

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Coelho, Gabriel Lins de Holanda
Hanel, Paul H. P.
Vilar, Roosevelt
Monteiro, Renan Pereira
Cardoso, Fadja Jairles Vieira
Gouveia, Valdiney Veloso
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One of the main challenges governments faced during the Covid-19 pandemic was to balance economic considerations with protecting the health of people (i.e., economic vs humanitarian motives). In the present study (N = 296), we investigated whether human values, political orientation, and fear of Covid-19 predicted economic and humanitarian motives. We found that people holding self-enhancement and normative values, had lower levels of Covid-19 fear, and were more right-leaning in terms of their political orientation, tended to prioritize the economy. In contrast, people valuing normative values less, interactive values more, reported higher levels of Covid-19 related fear, and were more left-leaning, tended to prioritize the health of people. Importantly, values explained variance above and beyond political orientation and fear of Covid-19. Together, our findings highlight the importance of values in decision making.
COVID-19 , Decision making , Economic motives , Fear of Covid-19 , Human values , Humanitarian motives , Political orientation
Coelho, G. L. d. H., Hanel, P. H. P., Vilar, R., Monteiro, R. P., Cardoso, F. J. V. and Gouveia, V. V. (2021) 'Who prioritizes the economy over health? The role of political orientation and human values', Personality and Individual Differences, 179, 110890 (5 pp). doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2021.110890