SARMENTI: Smart multisensor embedded and secure system for soil nutrient and gaseous emission monitoring
Accepted Version
Lesecq, Suzanne
Molnos, A.
Gougis, M.
Gouze, E.
Correvon, M.
Dudnik, G.
di Matteo, A.
Di Palma, V.
Alessi, E.
O'Riordan, Alan
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
Demand for sustainably produced food is driving current strategies for intensification of the agricultural sector worldwide. To meet these challenges farmers will need to adopt a whole-farm approach to resource efficiency. They will increase their productivity with a better application of knowledge per hectare. Optimising soil fertility will enable farmers to maximise their productivity and profitability with higher grass and crop yield and quality.
Food , Agriculture , Resource efficiency , Soil fertility
Lesecq, S., Molnos, A., Gougis, M., Gouze, E., Correvon, M., Dudnik, G., di Matteo, A., Di Palma, V., Alessi, E., O'Riordan, A., O'Murchu, C., Lovera, P., Ponsardin, G., Lapierre, E., Daly, K., Balan, T. C., Dimitru, C. and Mailat, G. (2019) 'SARMENTI: Smart multisensor embedded and secure system for soil nutrient and gaseous emission monitoring', Smart Systems Integration: 13th International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 10-11 April, pp. 208-211.
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