Factors controlling headspace pressure in a manual manometric BMP method can be used to produce a methane output comparable to AMPTS
Accepted Version
Himanshu, Himanshu
Voelklein, Markus A.
Murphy, Jerry D.
Grant, J.
O'Kiely, Padraig
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Elsevier Ltd
Published Version
The manual manometric biochemical methane potential (mBMP) test uses the increase in pressure to calculate the gas produced. This gas production may be affected by the headspace volume in the incubation bottle and by the overhead pressure measurement and release (OHPMR) frequency. The biogas and methane yields of cellulose, barley, silage and slurry were compared with three incubation bottle headspace volumes (50, 90 and 180ml; constant 70ml total medium) and four OHPMR frequencies (daily, each third day, weekly and solely at the end of experiment). The methane yields of barley, silage and slurry were compared with those from an automated volumetric method (AMPTS). Headspace volume and OHPMR frequency effects on biogas yield were mediated mainly through headspace pressure, with the latter having a negative effect on the biogas yield measured and relatively little effect on methane yield. Two mBMP treatments produced methane yields equivalent to AMPTS.
Anaerobic digestion , Biogas , Headspace volume , Methane , Pressure release frequency
Himanshu, H., Voelklein, M. A., Murphy, J. D., Grant, J. and O'Kiely, P. (2017) ‘Factors controlling headspace pressure in a manual manometric BMP method can be used to produce a methane output comparable to AMPTS’, Bioresource Technology, 238, pp. 633-642. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2017.04.088