A carbene stabilized precursor for the spatial atomic layer deposition of copper thin films
Accepted Version
Boysen, Nils
Misimi, Bujamin
Muriqi, Arbresha
Wree, Jan-Lucas
Hasselmann, Tim
Rogalla, Detlef
Haeger, Tobias
Theirich, Detlef
Nolan, Michael
Riedl, Thomas
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Royal Society of Chemistry
Published Version
This paper demonstrates a carbene stabilized precursor [Cu(tBuNHC)(hmds)] with suitable volatility, reactivity and thermal stability, that enables the spatial plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (APP-ALD) of copper thin films at atmospheric pressure. The resulting conductive and pure copper layers were thoroughly analysed and a comparison of precursor and process with the previously reported silver analogue [Ag(tBuNHC)(hmds)] revealed interesting similarities and notable differences in precursor chemistry and growth characteristics. This first report of APP-ALD grown copper layers is an important starting point for high throughput, low-cost manufacturing of copper films for nano- and optoelectronic devices.
Carbene stabilized precursor [Cu(tBuNHC)-(hmds)] , Spatial plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (APP-ALD) , Copper thin films , Atmospheric pressure , Conductive and pure copper layers , Silver analogue [Ag(tBuNHC)(hmds)] , APP-ALD grown copper layers
Boysen, N., Misimi, B., Muriqi, A., Wree, J.-L., Hasselmann, T., Rogalla, D., Haeger, T., Theirich, D., Nolan, M., Riedl, T. and Devi, A. (2020) 'A carbene stabilized precursor for the spatial atomic layer deposition of copper thin films', Chemical Communications, 56(89), pp. 13752-13755. doi: 10.1039/d0cc05781a
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