Something special, something unique: Perspectives of experts by experience in mental health nursing education on their contribution

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Accepted Version
Happell, Brenda
Warner, Terri
Waks, Shifra
O'Donovan, Aine
Manning, Fionnuala
Doody, Rory
Greaney, Sonya
Goodwin, John
Hals, Elisabeth
Griffin, Martha
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Published Version
Research Projects
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4.1 Introduction: Embedding lived experience in mental health nursing education is increasing, with research findings suggesting the impact is positive. To date, research has primarily targeted the perspectives of nursing students and academics from the health professions. 4.2 Aim: To enhance understanding of the unique knowledge and expertise experts by experience contribute to mental health nursing education. 4.3 Methods: Qualitative exploratory research methods were employed. In-depth individual interviews were conducted with experts by experience who delivered a coproduced learning module to nursing students in Europe and Australia. 4.4 Results: Participants described their unique and essential contribution to mental health nursing education under four main themes: critical thinking, beyond textbooks; interactive and open communication; understanding personal recovery; and mental health is health. 4.5 Conclusions: These findings present an understanding of the unique knowledge and expertise Experts by Experience contribute to mental health education not previously addressed in the literature. Appreciating and respecting this, unique contribute is necessary as Expert by Experience contributions continue to develop. 4.6 Implications for Practice: Mental health services purport to value service user involvement. Identifying and respecting and valuing the unique contribution they bring to services is essential. Without this understanding, tokenistic involvement may become a major barrier.
COMMUNE , Co-production , Education , Expert by experience , Expertise , Knowledge , Mental health , Mental health nursing
Happell, B., Warner, T., Waks, S., O’Donovan, A.; Manning, F., Doody, R., Greaney, S., Goodwin, J., Hals, E., Griffin, M., Scholz, B., Granerud, A., Platania-Phung, C., Russell, S., MacGabhann, L., Pulli, J., Vatula, A., van der Vaart, K. J., Allon, J., Bjornsson, E., Ellilä, H., Lahti, M. and Biering, P. (2021) 'Something special, something unique: Perspectives of experts by experience in mental health nursing education on their contribution', Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12773
Link to publisher’s version
© 2021, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Happell, B., Warner, T., Waks, S., O’Donovan, A.; Manning, F., Doody, R., Greaney, S., Goodwin, J., Hals, E., Griffin, M., Scholz, B., Granerud, A., Platania-Phung, C., Russell, S., MacGabhann, L., Pulli, J., Vatula, A., van der Vaart, K. J., Allon, J., Bjornsson, E., Ellilä, H., Lahti, M. and Biering, P. (2021) 'Something special, something unique: Perspectives of experts by experience in mental health nursing education on their contribution', Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12773, which has been published in final form at: This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.