The CLARITY modular ambient health and wellness measurement platform
Accepted Version
Walsh, Michael
O'Grady, Michael J.
Dragone, Mauro
Tynan, Richard
Ruzzelli, Antonio G.
Barton, John
O'Flynn, Brendan
O'Hare, Gregory M.P.
Ó Mathúna, S. Cian
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Published Version
Emerging healthcare applications can benefit enormously from recent advances in pervasive technology and computing. This paper introduces the CLARITY Modular Ambient Health and Wellness Measurement Platform:, which is a heterogeneous and robust pervasive healthcare solution currently under development at the CLARITY Center for Sensor Web Technologies. This intelligent and context-aware platform comprises the Tyndall Wireless Sensor Network prototyping system, augmented with an agent-based middleware and frontend computing architecture. The key contribution of this work is to highlight how interoperability, expandability, reusability and robustness can be manifested in the modular design of the constituent nodes and the inherently distributed nature of the controlling software architecture.Emerging healthcare applications can benefit enormously from recent advances in pervasive technology and computing. This paper introduces the CLARITY Modular Ambient Health and Wellness Measurement Platform:, which is a heterogeneous and robust pervasive healthcare solution currently under development at the CLARITY Center for Sensor Web Technologies. This intelligent and context-aware platform comprises the Tyndall Wireless Sensor Network prototyping system, augmented with an agent-based middleware and frontend computing architecture. The key contribution of this work is to highlight how interoperability, expandability, reusability and robustness can be manifested in the modular design of the constituent nodes and the inherently distributed nature of the controlling software architecture.
Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks , Agent based intellegence , Interoperability , CLARITY center for sensor Web technologies , CLARITY modular ambient health , Tyndall wireless sensor network prototyping system , Healthcare applications , Pervasive healthcare
Walsh, M.;O'Grady, M.;Dragone, M.;Tynan, R.;Ruzzelli, A.;Barton, J.;O'Flynn, B.;O'Hare, G.; Ó Mathúna, C. (2010) The CLARITY Modular Ambient Health and Wellness Measurement Platform. In: The Fourth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM). Venice, Italy, 18 - 25 July 2010. IEEE Computer Society: Los Alamitos, California.
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