High bandwidth freestanding semipolar (11–22) InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes
Published Version
Quan, Zhiheng
Dinh, Duc V.
Presa, Silvino
Roycroft, Brendan
Foley, Ann
Akhter, Mahbub
O'Mahony, Donagh
Maaskant, Pleun P.
Caliebe, Marian
Scholz, Ferdinand
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Published Version
Freestanding semipolar (11–22) indium gallium nitride (InGaN) multiplequantum-well light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emitting at 445 nm have been realized by the use of laser lift-off (LLO) of the LEDs from a 50- m-thick GaN layer grown on a patterned (10–12) r -plane sapphire substrate (PSS). The GaN grooves originating from the growth on PSS were removed by chemical mechanical polishing. The 300 m × 300 m LEDs showed a turn-on voltage of 3.6 V and an output power through the smooth substrate of 0.87 mW at 20 mA. The electroluminescence spectrum of LEDs before and after LLO showed a stronger emission intensity along the [11–23]InGaN/GaN direction. The polarization anisotropy is independent of the GaN grooves, with a measured value of 0.14. The bandwidth of the LEDs is in excess of 150 MHz at 20 mA, and back-to-back transmission of 300 Mbps is demonstrated, making these devices suitable for visible light communication (VLC) applications.
Light-emitting diodes , LEDs , Optoelectronic materials , Semipolar gallium nitride , GaN , Laser lift-off , LLO , Metal organic vapor phase epitaxy , MOVPE
Quan, Z., Dinh, D.V., Presa, S., Roycroft, B., Foley, A., Akhter, M., O'Mahony, D., Maaskant, P.P., Caliebe, M., Scholz, F. and Parbrook, P.J. (2016) ‘High bandwidth freestanding semipolar (11–22) InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes’, IEEE Photonics Journal, 8(5), 1601808 (8pp). doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2016.2596245
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