A novel robot based data acquisition methodology for chipless RFID systems
Rather, Nadeem
Simorangkir, Roy B. V. B.
O’Donnell, Cian
Gawade, Dinesh R.
Buckley, John L.
O’Flynn, Brendan
Tedesco, Salvatore
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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In this paper, a novel automated data acquisition methodology is presented for chipless RFID systems. The proposed method utilises a Raspberry Pi to act as an interface between a vector network analyser and a universal arm robot to perform automated measurements. A 98% improvement in data acquisition time is achieved when compared to standard manual data collection methodology. The system is validated by collecting 9,600 radar cross section electromagnetic signatures from a 3-bit chipless RFID capacitive sensor tag for five different cases at four positions. By enabling large, efficient, and accurate data collection, this methodology can support the development of machine learning models that can improve the performance and functionality of chipless RFID technology.
Automation , Chipless RFID , Data acquisition , Electromagnetics , Machine learning , RFID , Robots
Rather, N., Simorangkir, R. B. V. B., O’Donnell, C., Gawade, D. R., Buckley, J. L., O’Flynn, B. and Tedesco, S. (2023) 'A novel robot based data acquisition methodology for chipless RFID systems', 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications (RFID-TA), Aveiro, Portugal, 4-6 September, pp. 49-52. doi: 10.1109/RFID-TA58140.2023.10290256
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