Distributed hierarchical droop control of boost converters in DC microgrids
Accepted version
O'Keefe, Daniel
Riverso, Stefano
Albiol-Tendillo, Laura
Lightbody, Gordon
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
Voltage stability and accurate current-sharing are primary features of an efficiently operating power distribution network, such as a dc islanded-microgrid. This paper presents the development of a distributed hierarchical droop control architecture for dc-dc boost converters within a dc islanded-microgrid. Decentralised controllers are conventionally designed for local voltage and current control without accounting for coupling to other converters. However, due to the non-minimum phase action of boost converters, global knowledge of coupling is required to inform stable local controller tuning over a range of load disturbances. Consensus-based distributed secondary controllers, utilising low-bandwidth communications, are designed to coordinate voltage levels and improve current-sharing accuracy. The control architecture is tested in response to communication faults, non-linear loads, and plug-and-play operations.
Low-voltage dc microgrids , Distributed control , Voltage stability , Current-sharing , Consensus algorithms , Voltage control , Couplings , Microgrids , Power system stability , Steady-state , Bandwidth , Two dimensional displays , DC-DC power convertors , Decentralised control , Distributed control , Distributed power generation , Distribution networks , Electric current control , Voltage control , Distributed hierarchical droop control , DC microgrids , Power distribution network , dc-dc boost converters , Decentralised controllers , Current control
O'Keeffe, D., Riverso, S., Albiol-Tendillo, L. and Lightbody, G. (2017) 'Distributed hierarchical droop control of boost converters in DC microgrids', 28th Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), Killarney, Ireland, 20-21 June 2017, 1-6. doi:10.1109/ISSC.2017.7983615
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