A museum artefact monitoring testbed using LoRaWAN
Accepted version
Gawade, Dinesh R.
Simorangkir, Roy B. V. B.
Zorbas, Dimitrios
Kumar, Sanjeev
Ziemann, Steffen
Iacopino, Daniela
Barton, John
Schuhmann, Katharina
Anders, Manfred
O'Flynn, Brendan
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Published Version
This paper presents a long range wide area network (LoRaWAN) testbed for environmental monitoring of artefacts within a museum storage facility. The goal is to identify the optimum feasible wireless technology for this application by studying eight different wireless technologies. A testbed network was deployed inside a 5600 m 2 concrete building to validate the performance of the candidate wireless technologies by way of measurements. In addition, a LoRaWAN scalability approach was also used to simulate the packet delivery ratio for a 500 node network. The wireless communication performance of LoRa WAN was shown to offer the most optimal solution for wireless communication for museum artefact monitoring application.
Artefact monitoring , BLE mesh , LoRaWAN , NB-IoT , Museum , NFC , PDR , RFID , SigFox , WiFi , Zigbee , Wireless communication , Wide area networks , Computers , Wireless sensor networks , Energy consumption , Costs , Scalability
Gawade, D. R., Simorangkir, R. B. V. B., Zorbas, D., Kumar, S., Ziemann, S., Iacopino, D., Barton, J., Schuhmann, K., Anders, M., O'Flynn, B. and Buckley, J. L. (2021) 'A Museum Artefact Monitoring Testbed using LoRaWAN', 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Athens, Greece, 05-08 September. doi: 10.1109/ISCC53001.2021.9631253
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