A novel and miniaturized 433/868MHz multi-band wireless sensor platform for body sensor network applications
Buckley, John
O'Flynn, Brendan
Loizou, Loizos
Haigh, Peter
Boyle, David
Angove, Philip
Barton, John
Ó Mathúna, S. Cian
Popovici, Emanuel M.
O'Connell, Seán
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Body Sensor Network (BSN) technology is seeing a rapid emergence in application areas such as health, fitness and sports monitoring. Current BSN wireless sensors typically operate on a single frequency band (e.g. utilizing the IEEE 802.15.4 standard that operates at 2.45GHz) employing a single radio transceiver for wireless communications. This allows a simple wireless architecture to be realized with low cost and power consumption. However, network congestion/failure can create potential issues in terms of reliability of data transfer, quality-of-service (QOS) and data throughput for the sensor. These issues can be especially critical in healthcare monitoring applications where data availability and integrity is crucial. The addition of more than one radio has the potential to address some of the above issues. For example, multi-radio implementations can allow access to more than one network, providing increased coverage and data processing as well as improved interoperability between networks. A small number of multi-radio wireless sensor solutions exist at present but require the use of more than one radio transceiver devices to achieve multi-band operation. This paper presents the design of a novel prototype multi-radio hardware platform that uses a single radio transceiver. The proposed design allows multi-band operation in the 433/868MHz ISM bands and this, together with its low complexity and small form factor, make it suitable for a wide range of BSN applications.
Body sensor networks , Multi radio , Impedance matching , Simulation , Embedded systems
Buckley, J., Flynn, B. O., Loizou, L., Haigh, P., Boyle, D., Angove, P., Barton, J., Mathuna, C. O., Popovici, E. and Connell, S. O. 'A Novel and Miniaturized 433/868MHz Multi-band Wireless Sensor Platform for Body Sensor Network Applications'. 2012 Ninth International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, London, UK, 9-12 May 2012, 63-66. doi: 10.1109/bsn.2012.6
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