Atomistic study of Urbach tail energies in (Al,Ga)N quantum well systems
Accepted Version
O’Donovan, Michael
Finn, Robert
Schulz, Stefan
Koprucki, Thomas
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
Aluminium gallium nitride is a system of interest for developing ultraviolet (UV) optoelectronic devices. Here Urbach tails induced by carrier localization effects play a key role in determining device behaviour. We study the electronic structure of Al x Ga 1−x N/Al y Ga 1−y N single quantum wells using an atomistic framework. Results show that the density of states exhibits a tail at low energies due to disorder in the alloy microstructure. Our analysis allows for insight into the orbital character of the states forming the Urbach tails, which can affect light polarization characteristics, and important quantity for deep UV light emitters.
Location awareness , Optical polarization , Quantum mechanics , Tail , Probability , Numerical simulation , Light emitting diodes
O’Donovan, M., Finn, R., Schulz, S. and Koprucki, T. (2023) 'Atomistic study of Urbach tail energies in (Al,Ga)N quantum well systems', 2023 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), Turin, Italy, 18-21 September, pp. 79-80. doi: 10.1109/NUSOD59562.2023.10273479
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