Sodium silicate as an enabler for wafer bonding of glass substrates and lids

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Gupta, Parnika
O’Brien, Joseph
Lee, Jun Su
Hwang, How Yuan
Gradkowski, Kamil
Morrissey, Padraic E.
O’Brien, Peter
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The outgassing challenge associated with using polymer-based die-attach adhesives for vacuum seal photonic packages is addressed in this extended abstract. In addition to this, die movement can occur after high temperature anodic bonding of the lid/cap wafer and substrate wafer due to low glass transition temperature of polymer based adhesive systems. This presents a challenge for photonic packages where photonic chip’s positional accuracy is critical. Silicate based adhesives are presented as a solution to enable vacuum seal packaging of photonic chips.
Sodium silicate , Lid wafer , Wafer bonding , Curing , Photonic package
Gupta, P., O’Brien, J., Lee, J. S., Hwang, H. Y., Gradkowski, K., Morrissey, P. E. and O’Brien, P. (2024) 'Sodium silicate as an enabler for wafer bonding of glass substrates and lids', NordPac 2024, Tampere, Finland, June 11-13.
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