Bio-inspired internet of fish towards a climate resilient future

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Winner of 2024 Tom Brazil Award Essay Competition
Cheng, Steven Matthew
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This essay reports on the utilization of microwave, optical, and acoustic technology in establishing an underwater interconnected network, internet-of-fish (IoF), to provide comprehensive and real-time information on marine quality for climate monitoring and freshwater preservation. In particular, bio-inspired ocean explorers, capable of traversing different levels of the ocean from shallow to deep waters, are incorporated with communication front-ends to allow inter-explorer communication. Additionally, microwave sensors are discussed as complementary sensing to conventional sensors to provide a more comprehensive and cost-effective characterization of water quality. Moreover, wireless charging mechanisms and mmWave and microwave power beaming are also discussed to provide sustainable and efficient power. Data from these explorers are to be transmitted to nearby hovering unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) wherein cross-boundary communication methodology is discussed. With the well-established IoF, a deeper understanding of the earth and its climate is achieved leading to adaptation, mitigation, and prevention of further climate degradation.
This essay won first prize in the 2024 Tom Brazil Award Essay Competition, part of 27th European Microwave Week, Paris, France, 22-27 September 2024.
Bio-inspired , Climate change , Climate resilience , Microwave , mmWave
Cheng, S. M. (2024) 'Bio-inspired internet of fish towards a climate resilient future', Tom Brazil Award Essay Competition, 27th European Microwave Week, Paris, France, 22-27 September 2024, pp.1-6.
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© 2024, Steven Matthew Cheng.