Nitride single photon sources

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Accepted Version
Zhu, T.
Jarman, J. C.
Ren, Christopher X.
Tang, Fengzai
Kocher, C. C.
Puchtler, T. J.
Reid, Benjamin P. L.
Wang, T.
Patra, Saroj K.
Schulz, Stefan
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Single photon sources are a key enabling technology for quantum communications, and in the future more advanced quantum light sources may underpin other quantum information processing paradigms such as linear optical quantum computation. In considering possible practical implementations of future quantum technologies, the nitride materials system is attractive since nitride quantum dots (QDs) achieve single photon emission at easily accessible temperatures [1], potentially enabling the implementation of quantum key distribution paradigms in contexts where cryogenic cooling is impracticable.
Quantum light sources , Quantum communications , Nitride single photon sources , Quantum key distribution paradigms , Single photon emission , Nitride quantum dots , Nitride materials system , InGaN , Quantum dots , Photonics , Epitaxial growth , Stimulated emission , Optical polarization , Nanostructures
Zhu, T., Jarman, J. C., Ren, C. X., Tang, F., Kocher, C. C., Puchtler, T. J., Reid, B. P. L., Wang, T., Patra, S. K., Schulz, S., Taylor, R. A. and Oliver, R. A. (2018) 'Nitride single photon sources', 2018 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Reston, VA, USA, 30 September-4 October, pp. 1-2. doi:10.1109/IPCon.2018.8527217
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