Conditions for entangled photon emission from (111)B site-controlled pyramidal quantum dots
Published Version
Juska, Gediminas
Murray, Éamonn D.
Dimastrodonato, Valeria
Chung, Tung-Hsun
Moroni, Stefano T.
Gocalińska, Agnieszka M.
Pelucchi, Emanuele
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AIP Publishing
Published Version
A study of highly symmetric site-controlled Pyramidal In0.25Ga0.75As quantum dots (QDs) is presented. It is discussed that polarization-entangled photons can be also obtained from Pyramidal QDs of different designs from the one already reported in Juska et al. (Nat. Phot. 7, 527, 2013). Moreover, some of the limitations for a higher density of entangled photon emitters are addressed. Among these issues are (1) a remaining small fine-structure splitting and (2) an effective QD charging under non-resonant excitation conditions, which strongly reduce the number of useful biexciton-exciton recombination events. A possible solution of the charging problem is investigated exploiting a dual-wavelength excitation technique, which allows a gradual QD charge tuning from strongly negative to positive and, eventually, efficient detection of entangled photons from QDs, which would be otherwise ineffective under a single-wavelength (non-resonant) excitation. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.
Quantum dots , Photons , Charged excitons , Entanglement measures , Epitaxy , Pairs , Wells , Excitons
Juska, G., Murray, E., Dimastrodonato, V., Chung, T. H., Moroni, S. T., Gocalinska, A. and Pelucchi, E. (2015) 'Conditions for entangled photon emission from (111)B site-controlled pyramidal quantum dots', Journal of Applied Physics, 117(13), 134302 (10pp). doi: 10.1063/1.4916705
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© 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. The following article appeared in Juska, G., Murray, E., Dimastrodonato, V., Chung, T. H., Moroni, S. T., Gocalinska, A. and Pelucchi, E. (2015) 'Conditions for entangled photon emission from (111)B site-controlled pyramidal quantum dots', Journal of Applied Physics, 117(13), 134302 (10pp). doi: 10.1063/1.49167051 and may be found at