A general method for selection of riboflavin-overproducing food grade micro-organisms
Burgess, Catherine M.
Smid, Eddy J.
Rutten, Ger
van Sinderen, Douwe
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BioMed Central
Published Version
Background: This study describes a strategy to select and isolate spontaneous riboflavin overproducing
strains of Lactobacillus (Lb.) plantarum, Leuconostoc (Lc.) mesenteroides and
Propionibacterium (P.) freudenreichii.
Results: The toxic riboflavin analogue roseoflavin was used to isolate natural riboflavinoverproducing
variants of the food grade micro-organisms Lb. plantarum, Lc. mesenteroides and P.
freudenreichii strains. The method was successfully employed for strains of all three species. The
mutation(s) responsible for the observed overproduction of riboflavin were identified for isolates
of two species.
Conclusion: Selection for spontaneous roseoflavin-resistant mutants was found to be a reliable
method to obtain natural riboflavin-overproducing strains of a number of species commonly used
in the food industry. This study presents a convenient method for deriving riboflavin-overproducing
strains of bacterial starter cultures, which are currently used in the food industry, by a nonrecombinant
methodology. Use of such starter strains can be exploited to increase the vitamin
content in certain food products.
Riboflavin , Roseoflavin , Lactobacillus plantarum , Leuconostoc mesenteroides , Propionibacterium freudenreichii
Burgess CM, Smid EJ, Rutten G, van Sinderen D. (2006) A general method for selection of riboflavin-overproducing food grade micro-organisms. Microbial Cell Factories, 5: 24. doi: 10.1186/1475-2859-5-24