Detection of neurovascular coupling in full-term neonates using wavelet coherence and phase-locking value
Yu, Kaiyu
Mathieson, Sean
Flynn, Andrew
Dempsey, Eugene
Garvey, Aisling
Boylan, Geraldine
Marnane, William P.
Lightbody, Gordon
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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This study proposes a new method to monitor neurovascular coupling and to help determine the level of brain injury in full-term neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE). The wavelet coherence method is used to assess the coupling between the regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rSO2) as measured by NIRS and the lower envelope of EEG power in that region of the brain. This paper also provides methods for the visualization of the phase-locking value between these signals based on both the cross-wavelet and the Hilbert Transform methods. The preliminary results presented in this paper show that the lower envelope of EEG power is much better than the standard EEG power signal for the differentiation between Normal-Mild and Abnormal-Moderate HIE cases using wavelet coherence. On our limited dataset, a clear reduction in both the phase-locking value and the mean coherence was observed in the 0.25-1 mHz frequency range with the increase in severity of the brain injury, from mild to moderate HIE.
Neurovascular coupling , Wavelet coherence , Phase-locking value , Full-term neonates
Yu, K., Mathieson, S., Flynn, A., Dempsey, E., Garvey, A., Boylan, G., Marnane, W. and Lightbody, G. (2024) 'Detection of neurovascular coupling in full-term neonates using wavelet coherence and phase-locking value', 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, USA, 15-19 July, pp. 1-6.
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