Profiling border-traps by TCAD analysis of multifrequency CV-curves in Al2O3/InGaAs stacks
Accepted Version
Caruso, Enrico
Lin, Jun
Burke, K. F.
Cherkaoui, Karim
Esseni, David
Gity, Farzan
Monaghan, Scott
Palestri, Pierpaolo
Hurley, Paul K.
Selmi, Luca
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
This paper reports physics based TCAD simulations of multi-frequency C-V curves of In0.53Ga0.47As MOSCAPs including the AC response of the border traps. The calculations reproduce the experimental inversion and accumulation capacitance versus frequency, and provide a means to profile the space and energy density of states of border traps. A sensitivity analysis of the results to border traps' distribution is carried out changing the trap volume and the oxide capacitance.
Capacitance , Electron traps , Gallium arsenide , Hole traps , III-V semiconductors , Indium compounds , Interface states , MOS capacitors , Technology CAD , Multifrequency CV-curves , TCAD simulations , Sensitivity analysis , Border trap profiling , Capacitance-voltage curves , MOSCAP , Density of states , Oxide capacitance , Al2O3/InGaAs stacks , Capacitance-voltage characteristics , Dielectrics , Analytical models , Mathematical model , Dielectric measurement , Dispersion , III-V compounds , TCAD simulation , Border traps , Parameter extraction , C-V , Trap volume
Caruso, E., Lin, J., Burke, K. F.; Cherkaoui, K., Esseni, D., Gity, F., Monaghan, S., Palestri, P., Hurley, P. K. and Selmi, L. (2018) 'Profiling border-traps by TCAD analysis of multifrequency CV-curves in Al2O3/InGaAs stacks', Joint International EUROSOI Workshop and International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon (EUROSOI-ULIS), Granada, Spain, 19-21 March. doi:10.1109/ULIS.2018.8354757
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