Structural and electrical investigation of MoS2 thin films formed by thermal assisted conversion of Mo metal
Accepted Version
Duffy, Ray
Foley, Patrick
Filippone, Bruno
Mirabelli, Gioele
O'Connell, Dan
Sheehan, Brendan
Carolan, Patrick B.
Schmidt, Michael
Cherkaoui, Karim
Gatensby, Riley
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Published Version
Large-area synthesis is of great demand for the preparation of high-performance transition-metal-dichalcogenides (TMD) devices, however there are only limited reports to date of device operation on large-area TMDs. In this work we fabricate MoS2 devices based on Thermal Assisted Conversion (TAC) of metal layers, and characterize the thin-films with material analysis combined with electrical device parameter extraction. Specifically we report on temperature dependent parameter extraction for Ti/Au contacts to MoS2 thin-films to determine sheet resistance (Rsh), resistivity (ρ), and the activation energy (EA) of on-state current flow. For undoped MoS2, ρ was determined to be 191 Ω.cm at 25°C. The activation energy of the on-state current was found to be 0.18 eV, pointing to the presence of deep levels in MoS2.
Electron devices , MoS2 , Resistivity , Thin-films , TMDs
Duffy, R., Foley, P., Filippone, B., Mirabelli, G., O'Connell, D., Sheehan, B., Carolan, P., Schmidt, M., Cherkaoui, K., Gatensby, R., Hallam, T., Duesberg, G., Crupi, F., Nagle, R. and Hurley, P. K. (2016) 'Structural and Electrical Investigation of MoS2 Thin Films Formed by Thermal Assisted Conversion of Mo Metal', ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 5(11), pp. Q3016-Q3020.
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