The impact of short-term predominate breastfeeding on cognitive outcome at 5 years

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Lenehan, Sonia M.
Boylan, Geraldine B.
Livingstone, Vicki
Fogarty, Leanna
Twomey, Deirdre Marie
Nikolovski, Janeta
Irvine, Alan D.
Kiely, Mairead E.
Kenny, Louise C.
Hourihane, Jonathan O'B.
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Research Projects
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Aim: Breastfeeding is associated with IQ, school attendance and income. Despite the known benefits of breastfeeding, the rate of exclusive breastfeeding up to 6-months is low globally. We examined the effect of short-term breastfeeding on long-term IQ. Methods: In this secondary analysis of the prospective Cork BASELINE Birth Cohort Study, children were categorised as predominantly breastfed (n = 288) versus exclusively formula-fed (n = 254) at 2-months of age. Infants (n = 404) receiving mixed-feeding were excluded. Outcome was assessed using the KBIT II at 5-years. Multivariable linear regression was used to adjust for confounding variables. Results: Following adjustment for confounding variables, children, predominately breastfed at 2-months of age, demonstrated increased overall IQ (2.00 points (95% CI: 0.35 to 3.65) ; p = 0.018) and non-verbal IQ at 5-years of age (1.88 points (95% CI: 0.22 to 3.54); p = 0.027) compared to those never breastfed. No significant relationship was found with verbal IQ (p = 0.154). Conclusion: A significant increase in composite and non-verbal IQ at 5-years of age was associated with short-term breastfeeding. This study adds to a growing body of evidence that short-term breastfeeding promotes healthy cognitive development.
Breastfeeding , Cognition , IQ
Lenehan, S. M., Boylan, G. B., Livingstone, V., Fogarty, L., Twomey, D. M., Nikolovski, J., Irvine, A. D., Kiely, M., Kenny, L. C., Hourihane, J. O'B and Murray, D. M. (2019) 'The impact of short-term predominate breastfeeding on cognitive outcome at 5 years', Acta Paediatrica. doi: 10.1111/apa.15014
© 2019, Foundation Acta Pædiatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Lenehan, S. M., Boylan, G. B., Livingstone, V., Fogarty, L., Twomey, D. M., Nikolovski, J., Irvine, A. D., Kiely, M., Kenny, L. C., Hourihane, J. O'B and Murray, D. M. (2019) 'The impact of short-term predominate breastfeeding on cognitive outcome at 5 years', Acta Paediatrica. doi: 10.1111/apa.15014, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.