A low-carbon electricity transition for small island developing states: The case of Mauritius

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Jaggeshar, Doorgeshwaree
Mao, Xianqiang
Guo, Zhi
Zusman, Eric
Tu, Kevin
Chen, Xing
Ma, Zhiyuan
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Elsevier Ltd.
Research Projects
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A clean energy transition can not only help rebuild the energy landscape of small island developing states (SIDS) but also boost their resilience and long-term development prospects. This study employs the Open-Source Energy Modeling System (OSeMOSYS) model to analyze low-carbon transition pathways for Mauritius, which are aligned with its nationally determined contribution (NDC) objectives to increase renewable energy to 60 % and phase out coal by 2030. The study applied key performance indicators to assess this pathway against energy self-sufficiency, economic, environmental and social criteria. The study showed that renewable energy sources, namely, solar, biomass, wind and waste-to-energy, can be game-changers for the island. The optimal transition pathway would achieve a renewable target of 76.8 % and reduce CO2 emissions by more than 67 % across the modeling period at an estimated cost of 1.94 billion USD by 2040. Finally, the study evaluated the implications of Mauritius' clean transition in terms of its effects on green jobs as well as whether there is sufficient infrastructure, administrative and financial capacity and energy pricing policies to support the optimal pathway. The study concludes that the experience modeling a low-carbon transition pathway for Mauritius could also offer useful lessons for other SIDS contemplating similar transitions.
Low-carbon transition , Electricity sector , OSeMOSYS , Small island developing state , Mauritius
Jaggeshar, D., Mao, X., Guo, Z., Zusman, E., Tu, K., Chen, X. and Ma, Z. (2024) 'A low-carbon electricity transition for small island developing states: The case of Mauritius', Energy for Sustainable Development, 85, 101638 (15pp). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esd.2024.101638
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