Scalable nano-opto-electromechanical systems in silicon photonics

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Quack, Niels
Takabayashi, Alain Yuji
Sattari, Hamed
Edinger, Pierre
Gylfason, Kristinn B.
Geahun, Jo
Niklaus, Frank
Verheyen, Peter
Jezzini, Moises
Khan, Umar
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
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Silicon Photonics has over the past years rapidly evolved into a mature technology for photonic integrated circuits (PICs). Active research and development is pursued to further enhance current PIC technology, and the advances in technology have fueled a steadily increasing number of integrated photonic components on an individual PIC, giving rise to large and complex circuits with tens of thousands of individual building blocks [1]. While the availability of such high density photonic integration allows to tackle entirely new concepts such as programmable photonics [2], the increase in complexity poses at the same time tight constraints on the requirements for power consumption, footprint and optical performance of the individual building blocks. Recent analysis has shown, that among the physical effects available to interact with the photonic signals on-chip for device tuning, optical switching, or even modulation, are mechanically movable waveguides [3]. Such Nano-Opto-Electromechanical Systems (NOEMS) make use of established Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology, giving birth to the emerging technology basis of Silicon Photonic MEMS.
Photonic MEMS , NOEMS , Silicon Photonics , Photonic Integrated Circuits
Quack, N., Takabayashi, A. Y., Sattari, H., Edinger, P., Gylfason, K. B., Jo, G., Niklaus, F., Verheyen, P., Jezzini, M., Khan, U., Zand, I., Bogaerts, W. (2021) ‘Scalable nano-opto-electromechanical systems in silicon photonics’, 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 18-21 October, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/IPC48725.2021.9593009
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