A study of capacitance-voltage hysteresis in HfO2/InGaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor systems
Lin, Jun
Monaghan, Scott
Cherkaoui, Karim
Povey, Ian M.
O'Connor, Éamon
Sheehan, Brendan
Hurley, Paul K.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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In this work, we performed a study of capacitance-voltage (C-V) hysteresis in HfO2 /InGaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) systems. C-V hysteresis measurement with a stress time in accumulation has been used in this investigation. Charge trapping density estimated from C-V hysteresis at all stress times is comparable to or even greater than the interface state density in HfO2 /InGaAs MOS systems, indicating that C-V hysteresis is an important problem to resolve. C-V hysteresis is observed to increase with a power law dependence on the increasing stress time in accumulation. The majority of the charge trapping is a reversible behaviour in the case of the n-InGaAs, but there is a significant permanent trapping component in the p-InGaAs sample. Based on an oxide thickness series, it is demonstrated that C-V hysteresis increases linearly with the increasing oxide thickness with the charge trapping density being a constant value for all thicknesses, indicating that the trapping is predominately localised in a plane (in cm -2 ) near/at the HfO2 /InGaAs interfacial oxide transition layer.
C-V hysteresis , Charge trapping , Stress , HfO2 , InGaAs , MOS , Power law dependence
Lin, J., Monaghan, S., Cherkaoui, K., Povey, I. M., O'Connor, É., Sheehan, B. and Hurley, P. K. (2014) 'A study of capacitance-voltage hysteresis in HfO2/InGaAs metal-oxide-semiconductor systems', 2014 IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop Final Report (IIRW), pp. 36-40. doi: 10.1109/IIRW.2014.7049503
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