Real-time grouped management of Electric Vehicle Battery Chargers (EVBCs) for voltage profile improvement in radial distribution networks

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Zehir, M. Alparslan
Hayes, Barry P.
Djokic, Sasa Z.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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Voltage limit violation is one of the main factors that impact large-scale integration of electric vehicles in distribution networks. In order to improve voltage profiles, active charging management techniques can be deployed in real-time, considering voltage sensitivities of customer buses. The study in this paper investigates a real-time charging management approach for electric vehicles, clustered according to voltage sensitivities among the customer buses, in a local network. Constant power (CP) and constant current (CC) models, representing a range of electric vehicle battery chargers (EVBCs), are used in simulations with high-resolution stochastic EV charging and residential demand profiles. The paper quantifies the performance of the proposed management approach in a local network model based on real data and IEEE European Low Voltage (LV) Test Feeder.
Battery charger , Electric vehicle , Power distribution , Sensitivity analysis , Voltage limit
Zehir, M. A., Hayes, B. and Djokic, S. Z. (2019) 'Real-time grouped management of Electric Vehicle Battery Chargers (EVBCs) for voltage profile improvement in radial distribution networks', 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), Bucharest, Romania, 29 September-2 October, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2019.8905669
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